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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Staying On Topic In Posts

Post #235837 by Sabina on Sun, Jun 4, 2006 12:24 PM

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Unlike some readers who have tons of time to delve through forum after forum day in and day out, I get here when I get here- unfortunately much more infrequently than I like. When I'm here, I'm here to talk Tiki.

Yeah, I've been around for a long time, and yeah, Tiki is a big part of my life. And of course, I have friends here too- friends I NEVER would have met were it not for TC, but much of the 'conversations' I tend to have with those folks are either via PMs or even e-mail. I don't need to clog TC with non-sequitor speedbumps. On topic humour is humourous, bilge, is well, bilge. Amd it belongs in bilge- hopefully anyone who's been around here long enough understands the difference. But with the ever increasing bilge in the main forums, newcommers may not always understand that difference. Hanford understood the need for exactly such spaces, and he built both, 'cause let's face it- there is a time (and now place) for horsing around and making drunken jokes, unfortunately that's rarely in the middle of say, a wonderful thread about the finer points of a Witco product line. Drunken profound wisdowm, on the other hand, I always welcome- the problem I'm finding is that some people are unable to tell the difference prior to hitting the "submit" button.

Woffmutt's post was gently written and in exactly the right spirit, just my opinion. I like both what he had to say, and the WAY in which he said it.