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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Tropical Bar Book Drinks & Stories by Charles Schumann

Post #240333 by TikiSan on Thu, Jun 29, 2006 12:11 PM

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On 2006-06-28 19:24, pappythesailor wrote:
Anybody know what calvados is?

From the Internet Cocktail Database:

Brandy, aged
Generic for French apple brandy with an Armagnac character and highly regulated production/aging methods from the Calvados/Normandy region. Calvados is invariably aged in limousin oak casks, but is surprisingly excellent directly from still to bottle. It is the most respected apple brandy in the world, much as Cognac and Armagnac are the pinnacles of the grape brandy form. Like Cognac, Calvados is normally consumed from a snifter, but nothing short of excellent in cocktails.
Armagnac and apple
Generally available. Produced and sold in France. Known to be distributed in parts of United Kingdom, Europe and North America. Regional. Available for on-line ordering in some markets.
other apple brandy