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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Columbus, Ohio area Tiki anything?

Post #24497 by the75stingray on Wed, Feb 26, 2003 1:42 PM

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Gecko- You're always a pal! You know I'm gonna take you up on that someday. I would have to win the lottery because I'd buy every thing I saw in the islands!

Stuntrut- RetroRick used to be on the ole Yahoo TC, but I think he got pissed about something. (You know how some folks get!)
But I personally know Rick and he is really a cool guy who sells alot on ebay. If you see one of his auctions, e-mail him- he is the Kahiki guru! The man knows everything about the place!
He wont give up his artifact sources (like any good collector would not), but I imagine he gets much of his Kahiki stuff right around there in the thrift stores and such.
Unfortunately I rarely make it up to the antique & thrift stores in Columbus. (But if you find something really cool, it's mine...MINE I TELL YA!)

And there are a few folks in Cols. but not many.

I occasionally hear rumors from swap & thrift store vendors that another tiki collector lurkes in my tiki turf.
Ooohhhh, if I find that other guy, I'm gonna...

You see, this isnt So-Cal...our pickin's are slim in these parts and we will body slam people who try to come on our side of the fence. Not like those tree-huggin' hippies in California with their fancy partys and friendly hellos and Suffering Bastard mugs toasted high in the air in mockery of us Ohioians!

You ever wonder why they are so happy Rut? Have you? Well, it's because they have plenty of tiki to go around! Yes, thats right, I said it! PLENTY! They are RICH with tikis in California!
And they mock us as we sit here with a few measley mugs in our collections.

And you know who laughs at them? Gecko! Yes, Gecko TRIPS over tikis when he gets outta bed in the morning! If tikis were money, Gecko would be Bill Gecko-Gates!

So, Rut, my friend, I'm desperately trying to convenience you that you should probably let me make the short drive to Columbus, take any tiki stuff off your hands and you should probably start collecting Star Wars or Star Trek or something a little more plentiful. Okay pal? Trust me...you'll thank me in about a year or two (when you still have some money in your pocket).

(Newbies: Before I start getting flamed, I'm joking...don't get your undies in a bunch! I have to do this once in a while because I miss the ocean...and the thrift stores have lately been barren of tiki...and it's too damn cold to go to the flea market!)

I hate Ohio. I hate my life... I think I'll just move into that little woodshack behind Gecko's place. Then it will be I who has the last laugh!

(evil laugh) Ha ha...HA-HA-HAAA! H-A-A-A! HA!