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Tiki Central / California Events / Drive-in Family , Tiki Diablo and Huell Howser!

Post #248223 by AquaZombie on Thu, Aug 10, 2006 8:15 PM

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Hey Jab - this Oct thing sounds cool too, huh? maybe I'll see you there again...CongaMike told me about that "Un-Tiki" thread just today and I thought he was kidding till I just checked it out. I have nothing to contribute to that kind of conversation. I can't think of anything more un-Tiki than sitting around arguing - no typing - about what is "un-Tiki" and what is "Tiki." Tiki to me is aloha spirit and aloha spirit means like, chillville, baby. To people actually from Polynesia, we're ALL "un-Tiki" any way. Just a matter of perspective. I'd rather just go to a Tiki Drive-In (whether that's un-Tiki nor not, I don't give a damn) and watch film noir - but then, what IS film noir and what ISN'T? Hm.....