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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Pineapples and other drink garnishes

Post #2485 by Traderpup on Thu, Jun 20, 2002 8:24 AM

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Nothing ruins a drink more than a stale umbrella!

Citrus slices, gardenias & orchids make nice garnishes.

Frilly toothpicks. Give that cherry some pizazz by stabbing it with a frilly toothpick.

Bamboo skewers. Great to stack a mountain of fruit slices onto.

Fresh mint.

Hollowed out pineapple. Many kitchen gadget stores sell pineapple corers that turn your fruit into a tropical drink vessel.

Try this one: take a pineapple wedge and slit it to sit firmly on the edge of your drink. toothpick a cherry and thin slice (a slice, mind you, not a wedge) of lime to the top of your pineapple wedge. on the very edge of the toothpick, place a small cube of dried bread (not a crouton... the toasted garlic aroma kinda kills the drink) that was just dipped in lemon extract. ignite the bread and serve! (Just be sure to extinguish the torch before taking a sip... wouldn't want to ingite the missus' beehive!)
