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Tiki Central / California Events / How was the Luau on Catalina Island? Couldn't make it over!

Post #250119 by little lost tiki on Mon, Aug 21, 2006 7:52 PM

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It was pretty fun! Around 10(?) booths with some cool stuff-mugs, carvings,sarongs, these nifty little dolls with Oceanically accurate outfits, lei vendors, House of Tiki, Doug Horne and his wife, some local lady named Julien Foreman who did these ground rock pigment pieces(she had a cool, rough-hewn wooden booth).The Beach Blanket bingo was fun (tho we could only stay for three cards) but King Kukulele kept the place amused.Lots of cool stuff the next day(My wife and I missed the first evenings activities as we saw the flyin fish tour and got tired)Saturday was THE day for fun! Crazy Al carved up a base tiki (that he brought to life during the APE show later) with a chainsawand there were lots of dance stuff and crafts for the crafty.The Luau was cool-the food wasn't bad and they had those big round rolls that are yellow in the middle from the butter-great booze soaker-uppers BTW.King Kukulele kept the crowd
from rioting before APE (he even did a "Tikiman" version of Sabbath's "Ironman" that was classic!) I'll never forget that! and Al and APE wer right on the money,keeping us dancing until 12-ish.That was one Looooong
Drunken walk back from Descano Beach to Town! (I found out later that it takes 10 minutes,actually) was pretty hungover the next day,so we headed back and slept all day at home. I met Bamboo Ben and his wife and brother,as well as WooHoo Wahine and Soccertiki,and Wes from House of Tiki and lots of people I would have never known were that into Tiki! It was great and fun and makes me wanna go next year! So many nice and friendly people on that island anyways,add tiki ohana and you've got one GREAT time! It was very fun, and Tiana, I hope you can make it next year! And Tikidogg-you should post a picture of your kid's shirt! My wife and I were taking a tour of the Casino Building and totally missed it,but heard so much about your son's shirt that we're dying to see it! This is how Legends are made,you know!