Tiki Central / California Events / Get On The Bus! SF Tiki Crawl 2003 Tiki Bus
Post #25036 by martiki on Mon, Mar 3, 2003 11:23 AM
Mon, Mar 3, 2003 11:23 AM
Thanks for the update Sloddo. Everyone- The bus is filling fast. Those of you to whom I sent Private Messages to need to post your $20 to PayPal ASAP. I'll be posting the PayPal email address for everyone tonight. At this point, there are more people interested than we have space for. So from here on out, PayPal is the only way to secure your seat on the bus. We have 29 people paid in full so far. They are:
(When possible, names have been removed to protect the innocent.) C'mon and get on the bus! Thanks everyone! Plus: we also need some suggestions for the name of our bus. I can't just call it the bus all night. Give me ideas, you creative bastards! -martin [ Edited by: martiki6 on 2003-03-03 15:51 ] [ Edited by: martiki6 on 2003-03-03 16:05 ] |