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Tiki Central / California Events / Left Coast Benzart Carving Seminar.

Post #261840 by Cammo on Fri, Oct 20, 2006 10:21 AM

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While Benzart has been carving his 6327th amazing tiki, I've been trying to carve my first bad one, to prep for the Oki Oki seminar.

Here it is (about 2 feet tall) after 3 hours work at the beach. This is all freehanded, and used only a 1" flat chisel to get a feel for the thing;

And here it is after another 4 hours, bringing out the features;

Finally, I wanted it to look really rough and sort of antique, so I stained it with a Red Mahogany and Spar Varnish, left some parts untouched, 1 hour of work or less;

Anyway, it was a LOT of fun. I am so looking forward to this event.