Joined: Jun 12, 2006
Posts: 7763
Thank you all for being as excited as I am about "Pompele"! Now comes the unexciting stuff....the sides! I think I'll do a woven rattan type feel to give it that jungle vibe on the sides! Boring stuff, so I won't post that until it's done...which may be a short while as my hand is twitching and ready for the next endeavor!
Paipo-LOL man! That Crumb face melt perfectly captures that feeling after the last brush stroke is done,the nicotine break has begun and the Final Contemplation of the piece is underway! It often feels like being involved in little conversations in a city, then being flung up into space to view all those encounters at once....truly face melting! (Not as face-melting as this Saturday Night ,when I go to the Detroit Bar to see the Melvins for the fourth time! Now that will be some truly Face-Melting Hard Rock! Think I need that after such inner-quietness that big paintings require! Plus, if I go deaf,I can paint unencumbered for longer periods of time....) By the way, my friend, your "little celebration" has been shipped today! I said a tearful goodbye to him last night! He's in good hands!
Hiltiki-great finally meeting you at the last Tonga Hut gig! I think I could sell more paintings if I just did little vignettes,but i usually save those for the studies...Plus, the bigger and more involved a painting becomes,the more the viewer can visit and revisit this strange land! Kind of like whenever i return to my hometown in Illinois...the general layout is the same,but new things are always just around the corner! Thanks for the encouragement!
GROG-i heard salt works great for bleeding eyes-just rub a big handful in each one!
Kirby-glad that you're farting now instead of peeing on my truck like you did last Tonga Hut show(true story!) I will constantly plan your untimely demise....and Thanks for the Props!
Chongolio-you gotta make it down to the studio before you leave in March! Here's a couple details of the "Squid vs Octopus /Lockheed Martin Sea Stallion" surfboard to facilitate your "Crazygonuts" excitement!
and here's a little closeup....
At the Tikis-n-Terrors Show, Crazy Al commented on all the bubbles and how it was crazy bitchen fun to look at! What an honor to hear such compliments from such genius!
Clarita and Squid-I loves you guys! You both have the perfect mix of talent,humor and kindness...Mahalo!
Jentiki-yup! a Lotta mindless detail goes into these.half of the lighting and "cleaning up" will never be noticed by anyone but the Art Historians (but that's why we do it) Actually, all the shadows, lighting,fades,etc. (especially in these big pieces) can give your painting exactly the mood and depth you want it to have.I try to keep a lotta my lighting and shadow the same colors to flatten the piece and give it a depth range of a stage,or more precisely, the depth range of an Indian miniature painting.This increases the narrative "feel" of the work, as well as messes with the viewer's perception of depth and flatness.The viewer sees the scene going far back,but the hard outlines and flat consistent lighting reinforce the "otherworldly" aspect of the story....I wanna live there too!
Traveling Jones-thanks man! Actually, if you focus on a point beyond the painting you
A) have too much time on your hands
B)miss out on all the good stuff around it
C) it becomes a picture of a boat...
Sophista-Tiki-You already are a better painter,and hopefully will never grow up! Immaturity and a childlike mind are debilitating to most,but being a social retard does have its advantages (unless, like GROG, you're an antisocial one....)Hopefully someday I can contribute some fun pieces to your awesome Polypop museum in the near future! Keep doing what you're doing 'cause you do it well!
Tamapoutini-A series has crossed my mind.I'm torn between doing another Tiki Surfboard
Or doing another ink wash ground-experimental-no studies 4x4 footer again with "Valley of the Tikis" as the theme and at least 25-40 tikis in it....
or tackling an old half finished piece...
This was originally part of my Book of Revelation series. I was doing paintings over thrift store seascapes and landscapes-mimicking the lighting and learning mucho! This one would have pictured Rev 8:7 where a third of the stars are flung from the sky...Maybe I can mix that with the Tiki theme perhaps....Hmmmmmmm. Your observation of the flaming hibiscus and the multi-layers of the work pretty much nailed it! Whenever you have an exhibit,it's those 2-3 people who really "get it" that makes all the effort worth it.It also helps to reassure yourself that it's EVERYONE ELSE who is truly crazy and misguided! Could you be my PR man?
Mahalo for the e-handshake and virtual cocktail....Will that be served in a waterbong?
Ben-Ben.Ben. What are we gonna do with you?You have such perfect timing,appearing on a post,observing, then dropping the bomb and high-tailing out of there! MAC 10 Moai with a grenade launcher would be the armaments for the week!Hope we can swap more 'Nam stories at the Tonga Hut!
Well. I just wrote a frickin' novel! thanks you all!
And now for a special treat, I'm going to post a few pictures of my studio (or the "cave" as my wife likes to call it)in Orange... This is where i go Thursday nights and Fridays from dawn to the wee hours of Saturday morning to paint and visit with visitors of many sorts...If you ever wanna come down and gawk at all the madness, PM me and we'll set it up!
We'll start with the back room,where i get most of my painting done when in the Studio!
I'll get some better shots later of the front library/the front room/and the open hi-ceiling area...But as for now, I must sleep and go to work and dream of going to my dear studio on Thursday! It is so true...Art is a Mistress....Good Night!