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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

Post #270314 by little lost tiki on Sun, Dec 3, 2006 10:02 PM

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Aloha Tiki Support Group Members!
Tama-you're a NUT! sorry about the double-posting...Rocket-fueled Clicky finger syndrome! usually after a jolly good rodgering on the canvas.my hands will become a bit shaky,but nothing a little coffee couldn't temper....Let the Art HistorianTron 3000 decipher the significance of caffeine to the contemporary artist.... Oh! and here's that postage size painting of Pompele...Just finished it yesterday! I painted it with a single hair sable brush!

(actual size)
Clarita! Glad you and Tama both like the Surfboards! Check out Drew Brophy's work on Surfboards...Awe-inspiring! here's a link...
Send him a big TC Hello via e-mail! Him and his wife Maria are the nicest, most down-to-earth people you'll ever meet! Is he a TC member? Does anybody know? He SHOULD be! That guy defined tiki in so many ways that still inspire a lot of us!
GROG-that's a beautiful picture of me,thanks! But....er..... I don't have six fingers on my right hand,I only draw like I have six fingers!
thanks for the zazztaztik comments! Speaking of gems, Sippie Wallace and Wanda Jackson were my Melvins concert decompression music for today while painting!
Back to Clarita bringing up surfing; Tried my hand at it while stationed in Okinawa around 1984 with my friend Bill.With our friend Andy from Redondo Beach,we were 3 of about 25 punkers on the island! Well actually, secret punkers,being respectful Marines during the day! Well, anyways, long story short, I'm from Illinois and us bumpkins jest don' git that surfinboard thang! Also, about a month and a half after leaving those guys behind and getting stationed at Pendleton, I get a letter from Andy telling me how Bill drowned in a surfing accident there about two weeks after I flew back to the states....haven't attempted surfing since.... Anyways, surfboards have been very very good to me otherwise, working at Rusty and HIC and sharpening my humble graphic skills.And now, it's time to tackle yet another surfboard with yet another fun and thought-provoking theme.This board's theme will be an old vs new school vibe-a wooden natural tiki totem on one side and a metallic robotic tiki totem for the other side....a perfect full-circle with other "mechanical replacement of nature" themes...
Like this Mechanical Forest below....

Anyways, tackle enough themes and they will start to converse and conspire against you unless kept in check....
Anyways....here's the original and colored version of the sketch for the wooden side of the surfboard....

And here's some of the progress I made on it on Friday and Sunday(today)....Saturdays was naps and psychologically preparing for the Melvins at the Detroit Bar...They ROCKED so HARD my FACE MELTED!!!!! Great show!
Here's the top and bottom all rough layers of acrylic paint,getting some form and shadow together....

Not very impressive, I agree! But if you could only see it as my mind's eye can visualize it!
Here's the middle with the piece in different stages of completion! Can you see why I get all excited and twitchy now?

Here's an extra close detail for anyone interested...

You can see how each layer rests on top of the other! Zing!
I'll post more progress on this when it happens....
here's the sketches and concepts I've been mulling over for the Robotic Mechanical Tiki Totem side....

Very fun and old Weird Science/Science Fiction Fantasy Pulp vibe!
And here's a PNG Hi-Tech Skull Rack I farted around with during a cigarette break...

Space! The Final Frontier! Enough cool artists and 70's paperback writers have approached the whole tikis-from-beyond-the-stars theme,so I figured I'd throw my straw hat in the ring...Very Fun!
Also, on an earlier posting a few day's back, I mentioned being torn between projects...
Well, on friday I re-approached that Revelation 8-7 piece with a little bit of easter Island inspiration....
and here's the rough coloring on it so far! Not that rough, just a blurry picture!

So much to paint! Gotta Go! Aloha and Mahalo!!!

visit http://www.kenruzic.com for a Grand Old Time!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2006-12-09 16:56 ]