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Tiki Central / California Events / Smokin' Menehunes with King Kukulele and Squids @ Catalina Fish Kitchen - Bring on the Pics!!

Post #273559 by PoisonIvy on Mon, Dec 18, 2006 11:40 PM

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HEY, BACK IT UP HERE! Wouldn't "Kenneth" be the correct answer? I've got empty wall space so I wouldn't be against sharing a poster.

Squid wrote:
Whoaaahhh now. Things are gettin' a might heated here.
Ivy, I already gave you one just for playing our little game. A grand prize for the price of a consolation prize one might say. Let's look at this rationally shall we?
Oh screw it, you can have another print.

(note to self: be more aggresssive with the hecklers)

Ivy writes:
I'm not rational, shall we say, and you now owe me a keyboard. I'm keeping a tally ~ 2 posters ~ 1 keyboard.
Keep it comin' cause I really dig flat screen TV's.