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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Squid Painted Resin Cast #2 of 2 ***TC ONLY Auction

Post #274041 by hodadhank on Wed, Dec 20, 2006 4:38 PM

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*On 2006-12-17 22:15, squid wrote:*It's official! HUMMEL FROM HELL is the winning title! Hodaddy wins a Tonga Hut Tiki Wonderland signed color litho print.
But the grand winner is... Sir Holden of Westland... Blah blah blah

Holden Shmolden! I won sumtin!

Please sign that litho to "highest e-bay bidder"... Just kiddin', you know I'd never part with art from my pal Squid. (Which explains why whenever someone tries to buy my set of ceramic Squid Creeps I tell them they are poison lead glazed, cursed or simply to KUSCHN MEIN EISL!)