Joined: Sep 13, 2005
Posts: 1899
I've been laughing so hard I wasn't making noise!!!!
I grew up in Montana and every kid had Bow and arrows and a BB gun, even me. My uncle Tom and I would spend all day out in the woods by ourselves and do every dangerous thing imaginable. Including setting traps. damming up the creek, playing in old mine shafts, there was even a granite quarry up the mountain behind my Grandma's house that had old boxes of dynamite. We would shoot arrows into the air, set off fire crackers in beer cans, dig forts and jump off the end of the deck into cardboard boxes. Two stories up. I cant count how many times I was stuck halfway up or down the face of some huge granite boulder because I was too scared to move. During winter break we would take our rail sleds all the way up to the top of the mountain( it took a couple of hours for us to walk up there. Then we would sled all the way down to the house. Under barbed wire fences, over open mine pits, dodging trees and rocks.I think we only successfully made it all the way once without wiping out Ahh Good times.
I had clackers and I loved those things, they disappeared so did the pogo stick and the homemade stilts. the one Christmas present that really sticks out as the worst was the cardboard stereo.. WaaWaa the most humiliating was the mounted antlers with a sign that read Dawn's Bra Rack"