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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Flynny's Stuff - Strange lookin Moai 02/5

Post #286002 by flynny on Thu, Feb 15, 2007 11:40 PM

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Hi Guys
This is Elwood, so named cos he looks like a Blues Brother with his Jade sunglasses, he's going to the show at the weekend but I don't think anyone will buy him. He was a nightmare to carve, made fromold Sea Cow bone full of little pockets which all seem to crop up when you dont wan't them to, nose mouth tongue etc,wrong choice of material for a tight carving, the bone just isn't dense enough, but I love him.

The other hook is a composite hook Ebony and Mammoth Ivory, will post a few more hooks up soon.

Thanks for looking, any comments welcomed
Best Regards