Joined: Jun 12, 2006
Posts: 7763
thanks Brad!
Tikis aren't the only mystic thing out there! I bet a forest piece by you would be crazyassgood! Always good to keep 3 or 4 paintings going at once,for whatever mood you're in!
Well, I've been working on a CD cover for a friend today and while going over what style to do it in, I realized that i had a painting in that style that you all haven't seen! At least I think you haven't seen it....And it's tropical! That should make up for the earlier non-tiki forest piece!
This one was made for my wife and has never been exhibited. A pity, because it really grows on ya the more you're around it....
The title is "Night at the Village" and i did it in that old Chinese papercut meets Hawaiian pareau print style...
Here's some close-ups...each one could work as a separate painting.I guess that's what kept me into this piece for so long,each little vignette..
Here's the Main Hut...I love the simplicity and texture of the tree to the left...
Here's the Moon/Sun bursting thru the clouds...i decided to make them one.I also put a wagonload of glow-in-the-dark paint over final areas...they're those very subtle raised surfaces on the painting...you can see it by the moon, that real light star next to it.....In the dark it glows like MAD!
Here's another peaceful little area. I took a lot of the flowers from pareau prints and
just stylized 'em.
Here's more of that tree I like!
Here's another funky lil hut...
and here we have the volcano in the distance...
I love the palms and the cliff in this one...the fun part of this style is being able to wrap and twist and direct the landscape's flow...that way the viewer is led safely thru the picture!
Here's some of the volcano smoke trailing upwards into a star covered sky
and here's an extreme close-up that shows ya how it's done!
So close you can smell it!
I basically started with a canvas...ink stained areas to a feel for the sky or moon or grass.I sealed it.Then went with a paintpen and started blacking in the areas(mostly freehand,but for trouble areas I would use a water soluble pencil-draw over it,then when the paintpen is dry,a wet towel sops up the pencil WITHOUT A TRACE! After all the blackline is done,it gets another coat of sealant,more paintpen,another coat of sealant,more paintpen,another coat of sealant,more paintpen,another coat of sealant,more paintpen,and finally, some fabric puffpaints and glowin the dark pens before a final seal and that's how it's done! Make your own! They make great gifts for Mother's Day! Aloha!