Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / what rum for mixing?
Post #307977 by Chip and Andy on Mon, May 21, 2007 3:56 PM
Chip and Andy
Mon, May 21, 2007 3:56 PM
Aloha and welcome to the Land of Lost Livers that everyone else calls Tiki Central...... I could recommend a whole bunch of rums for you, but I am not sure what you have where you are or even if you will like them. So..... I will offer this instead: If you see billboards for a rum (any liquore actually) no matter how cheap it is avoid it. Not entirely, just figure that the money spent on advertising is money not going into the bottle for quality. If you see lots of magazine ads or hear about it on the radio, tread carefully because that is only really one step below billboards for total cost of advertising. If you see a really kick-ass label on a bottle, watch for it and get it on sale. The best labels are usually on the worst liquors, but sometimes you get surprised. And, this is the most general rule, anything less than $20 ish a bottle is probably going to disappoint. Anything above $40 ish a bottle is probably best taken over ice. I want to stress the generality of this last statement because I have some real stinkers that were over $50 and I have some real gems that were under $10. And the last bit I want to offer to you (everyone really) is that your broke student status limits you less than you think. A fifth of anything is 25 ounces and most drinks call for between 1 and 3 ounces. That means a $40 bottle of rum is still only $4 per drink. All of my local watering holes are asking that for a beer, so the math works in your favor if you are careful. Drink, enjoy, and then drink some more. |