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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Was Thor Right? Polynesians Did Discovery S.A. per LA Times

Post #311268 by Sneakytiki on Wed, Jun 6, 2007 1:08 AM

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No doubt the Polynesians made landings and intrusions in numerous locations on the Western American coasts. There is pretty good evidence for Melanesians in South America and even Neanderthal type skeletons previously unseen elsewhere. The Solutrean Hypothesis and DNA testing, blood haplotypes, etc. show that early Europeans likely made land on the East coast of N. America.
Incan type masonry on Easter Island shows possible contact as well.

Cool stuff for sure. But none of it proves Heyerdahl was right about anything except for diffusionist theory, ie. people have traveled great distances/interacted for some time.
Heyerdahl's red haired viking like/Incan Indians colonizing the Pacific and then comingling with people from Hawaii (he said Hawaii was the birthplace of Polynesian culture despite great evidence that Hawaii was one of the last outposts of Polynesia), which he said originally came from the Haida nation of Canada, is re-damn-diculous....

That said, excellent info! Thanks for posting.

Thor said Inca/vikings discovered Polynesia not that Polynesians discovered America, unless that is you believe Thor's far out theory that the Haida are the Polynesian's ancestors via Hawaii.


To drown sorrow, where should one jump first and best? "Certainly not water. Water rusts you." -Frank Sinatra

[ Edited by: Sneakytiki 2007-06-06 18:26 ]