Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tiki-Tiki Drops, to ease your Beri-Beri pains
Post #316316 by ikitnrev on Mon, Jul 2, 2007 2:05 PM
Mon, Jul 2, 2007 2:05 PM
Has anyone seen this vitamin supplement product, which is currently marketed in the Phillipines for infants 0 to 12 months old? It is advertised as having a great fruity flavor. No word, though, on whether it tastes like a mai-tai. http://www.kabayancentral.com/food/tikitiki.html I did a little bit of a background on this. Previous to the early 1900's, infants in the Phillipines and other island nations suffered from a disease called Beri-Beri. (the term is derived from a native phrase which means 'I cannot, I cannot') Beri-beri is a form of Vitamin B1 (Thaiamine) deficiency, common in areas where polished rice serves as a staple food source. Researchers in the Phillipines found a good source to counter the disease in the rice bran husks, which the people had been previously discarding. The resulting extract evolved to the current product name Tiki-tiki. The following is a description of the process used to make tiki-tiki, from a 1912 Bureau of Science document. I wonder if this may be the earliest reference that links the terms 'tiki' with 'alcohol'The process mainly involves extraction of tiki-tiki with alcohol, followed by distillation and evaporation until the desired specific gravity of the extract has been obtained. The final product is further heated and pasteurized for 3 successive days and then packed for distribution to the local marketOddly enough, Beri-Beri is also common today in chronic alcoholics with inadequete diets. The disease also affected some of the WW2 POWs who were serving time on the Phillipine Islands. Vern |