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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / pdrake new stuff check it!! 7/19

Post #320040 by pdrake on Thu, Jul 19, 2007 11:01 PM

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you bet. it's pretty easy to pack and go.

here's some pics of the lure i'm working on, too. the wood is lignum vitae. it will soon be very popular as it's the "wand wood" in the new harry potter movie. it's a very, very oily wood that smells like sandalwood when you carve it. these pictures make it look brownish/tan, but when it oxidizes (is exposed to oxygen/air) it turns green. a nice pretty green, too. it's soo cool to work with except for the smell (it can be overpowering). it's very, very dense and has a great grain.

i've had a hard time making the paua match up to wood. i can't imagine how the natives did it with primitive tools. it's so difficult to get the curves right. after i get one of these done i look at it and wonder how that happend. the shells have the most complex, compound curves and you have to match those up to the wood. sometimes there are very thin parts in the shells and you have to make the wood work with it and you cant work with the shell. she just says, "hey, this is it. deal with it."

the contrast is just the most amazing thing to see, though. hope you like it. (yes, please stroke me.)