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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel / Could Hawaii be losing it's Aloha Spirit?

Post #322220 by Surfer on Tue, Jul 31, 2007 5:59 AM

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Aloha, Blue Hawaii, you only mentioned an experiance in Waikiki, which in my opinion is most unlike the real Hawaii. If you have not traveled to any of the other islands, you cannot truly feel aloha. I just spent some time looking for land on the Big Island, and found that although sceptical of haole's, if you show respect than you will be respected. I surf, and the culture in the water is a real good sign as how to deal. If you look / act like a tourist / mainlander, thats how your treated. Once again show respect and the locals "sense" your cool. I have found nothing but warm open arms when visiting, but I don't tend to stay at the Honolulu Marriott either.

[ Edited by: Surfer 2007-07-31 06:01 ]