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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Reasonable Shag Originals (not mine)

Post #330706 by smgleason47 on Thu, Sep 6, 2007 10:56 AM

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sorry - my bad

here is a better link and the info copied:


Here's an update on the show...
There are a mere 18 paintings left! Today is another day and collectors may make an additional purchase. EMAIL REQUESTS ONLY PLEASE! I will answer them in the order that they are received.

The 6" inch square ORIGINAL acrylic on canvases are available for $999.00 each + CA sales tax and shipping (if applicable).

Your order must be paid in full. No exceptions.

PLEASE, NO PHONE CALLS TO PLACE ORDERS. You have a better chance of getting a response if you email me. I will also be answering emails first from wait listers who have been on the list longest. If your picks are not available, I will let you know ASAP.

When you email me back {[email protected]};

  1. Send me your pick list in order of preference - top choice being at the top. Please send me the title of the work and most important send the three digit number that can be found in the tab or as part of the web address. They start at 001 and go to 101. You may want to make a very lengthy list, as your choice might be the same as several others ahead of you.

  2. The best number and times/days to reach you to get your credit card number.
    a) You will need to be paid in full within 48 hours of my confirmation email letting you know that you have the first option on a particular piece, otherwise I will have to let the next person who wants it have it.
    b) If you receive my confirmation email and would like to just fax your credit card info, please send; the number/title of the piece you are purchasing, the amount we are billing you (from email) name on card, credit card number, expiration and billing address (please state this). Faxes are only seen by Joy or myself and are shredded after they have been run.

  3. Send me your name, shipping address, city, state, zip, daytime phone. Please let me know if you intend to pick your piece up after the show ends or if we are to ship it.

Here is the link:


What's available as of 8pm 9/4; 002, 004, 008, 014, 019, 020, 027, 028, 031, 055, 056, 062, 063, 067, 069, 071, 072, 074, 076, 077, 079, 083, 085, 091, 094, 095, 098, 099, 100.

There will be a print retrospective of 20+ framed A/P prints from SHAG's personal collection but I don't know which ones yet - they will be for sale. I will email an update and prices when I do know.

Live Show Preview - Friday, 9/14

You are invited to attend the preview on Friday, September 14 from 7-9pm. We open at noon and you may visit us as soon as we open. You need not RSVP for this event. Yes, SHAG will attend both the preview and the opening.

Please do not bring items for the artist to sign or ask for autographs at the preview or opening. We would like all of our artists to enjoy their own opening. There will be a signing event at the gallery on Saturday, October 20 from 4-8pm.

Both the opening and preview are free and open to the public. The official opening is Saturday, 9/15 from 7-10pm. No RSVP is necessary.