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Tiki Central / General Tiki / IDEA: open a polynesian themed mini-golf

Post #341010 by Tipsy McStagger on Mon, Oct 29, 2007 10:31 AM

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funny you should mention this...for awhile i have been in discussion with the folks at cosmodog that make arcade games and we have been planning on making a mini golf course that is portable and combines the thrill of putt putt golf with bumper pool....the holes are scaled down to about 4 foot by 8 ft tables with wheels for each hole and instead of using a golf club you use a pool stick and shoot a cue ball through the various mazes and holes.....the ball is scaled down too of course and there will be at least nine holes to shoot through. not all the holes will be tiki though at least one will...we're thinkin of rube goldberg meets putt-putt with this...the holes can be more elaborate and challenging with all sorts of movable elevators, conveyor belts and what not....we decided to make it portable so we can create a traveling art piece that can be set up in a gallery or store front space, plus we can really get detailed and creative with the design...we have some real cool ideas for some of the holes already....and we found a space we can rent to set it up and allow folks to come out and play it....stay tuned!!

"You may think it's boogers...but it's snot !!!"

[ Edited by: tipsy mcstagger 2007-10-29 10:39 ]