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Tiki Central / Tiki Central Ohana / Texas Ohana Head Count

Post #350955 by Formikahini on Sun, Dec 23, 2007 7:56 AM

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And also in San Antonio, Mr and Mrs Heelgrinder.
(Well, he's actually El Gato Scott, but I'm not sure if he posts here).

And moved from San Antone to Austin is Strawberry Girl, engaged to one of the I Belli di Waikiki boys!
Sergio, an I Belli buddy, is still in San Antone. These are more tiki event people than TC, but they'd come for a gathering!

Charlie/Teko Teko has moved from San Antone. Still in South Texas at school (en route to his dream: teaching diving in Hawaii)? He's fairly active (or used to be) on TC Shout. Anybody seen him recently?

Kenike/Dennis is still in Dallas (did he already post here?).