Tiki Central / General Tiki / Left message for management of Taboo Cove/Venus Lounge
Post #3528 by tikitommy on Wed, Jul 10, 2002 8:42 AM
Wed, Jul 10, 2002 8:42 AM
Hi all, Please allow me one last rant (I promise). I hope that you are not irritated, but I took the liberty of calling the Venus Lounge/Taboo Cove this morning to leave a message. I'm a social worker, and I tend to be an advocate, which can piss some people off at times. I was inspired by one of the responses to my long, previous post. Someone asked if we knew who the owners/managers for these establishements were, and suggested that we become more pro-active in alerting them to the potential of Taboo Cove/Venus Lounge. For those of a more cynical nature who responded to my original post, take a breath. I don't plan on harping about this particular topic anymore. Yes, it's become tired for some, especially those who were NOT ignorant to the original Yahoo group. At any rate, I didn't feel I did enough by just posting here. It's great to commiserate with each other on this forum, but it's not really going to help if our thoughts are not known, regardless of how trivial they may seem to others. So, being optimistic, I called and left a message giving a Cliff Notes version of my experience of two weeks ago. I reminded them that no one responded to my original call. I also highly recommended that if there is someone there who really cares about these places he/she should visit this website (I gave the address) and read our thoughts on the subject. Okay, I AM aware that they might just listen to my rambling message and think I'm an ass*@#*. I'm also aware that they made changes to boost business, but I DO believe that ample time was not given with the original vision to see if it would succeed-especially post 9-11. Let me end by saying I was even more inspired to call after revisiting the website for Taboo Cove/Venus Lounge and reading Bosko's original intent/vision. If these places are indeed doomed, is there ANY chance that we could all plan one last shindig there where they would allow us to do it OUR way, the way it was meant to be(deluded thinking or not)....a way that may attract curious onlookers who say, "Wow, this is different and fun" or "This takes me back to my youth."...or a way that leaves the monkey suited management scratching their heads thinking "These freaks are on to something!" Okay, I don't think we're freaks (though I may be), but we are different in one respect, and that's why we're here. I will really end this now, for I DO actually work and talk about other things, but do yourself a favor and read what Bosko envisioned - get inspired and maybe leave them your own message (702-414-4870). Maybe see ya all in Vegas??? Time will tell. Tikitommy. |