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Post #355702 by T_birdman on Fri, Jan 18, 2008 1:27 AM

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On the Star Trek note, everyone has their favorites, the die-hard old school trekkies, the TNG trekkers, and never the two shall meet! I was very fortunate to meet Gene Roddenberry at Paramount many years ago, and we had a short but memorable discussion on just that subject because he was producing TNG at the time. His main thought was that Star Trek was an aspiration for what might be and what folks want to see the future to be. He knew already some folks would have a problem with TNG, but hoped they would see the natural proggression of the whole concept, afterall it's just a TV series. He gave me a pile of scripts that they had lying in his office (Which I have locked away, bagged and boarded!!) and thanked me for being a fan! Very, very nice man! He also had the origional Enterprise encased in glass on a big pedestal in his office that I couldn't take my eyes off (Now in the Smithsonian)! But when you look at the progression of just the ships of Star Trek, how can you not be impressed!

And the women of Star Trek, Uhura was fine

and Yeoman Rand was sweet,

but Counselor Troi was a stone cold BABE!

(Not to mention that sexy hard cockney accent!!!)
And what about T'Pol!

Lots to like about it all, Live long and prosper!