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Tiki Central / California Events / CHOP with me in Oceanside - Saturday Jan 26

Post #356189 by T_birdman on Sun, Jan 20, 2008 5:48 PM

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A man from Arizona dies and goes to hell. One of the main demons in hell says to another demon, "Hey! I've heard about these folks from Arizona, I wanna try something!" So the demon turns up the heat in hell a few notches. The man from Arizona dosen't sweat, but unbuttons one cuff on his long sleeve shirt. The demon is impressed but turns the heat up another few notches, but the man from Arizona only unbuttons the other cuff. "Hmm!" said the demon, "Lets try this!" and the demon turns the heat in hell ALL the way up! The man from Arizona reaches his collar and unbuttons the top button. The demon says "OK, how "bout THIS!" and turns the heat completely off in hell! The man from Arizona freaks out and yells "HEY!! Did the Cardinals win the Superbowl???"

There's your answer Cammo, Buzzy dosen't know what he's talking about! Star trek is lame, Buzzy, Buzzy, Buzzy! Whos goat are you trying to get today??