Joined: Jun 12, 2006
Posts: 7763
Shani,Brad,Chongo,Babs,ravenne,Rhys,and Sam,
Thanks you kids!
Makin me smile!
i'll have to cook up some more happy,reflective,and psycho-delicate
work for y'all comin up! Just sanded the 7foot surfboard,and got a fiberglass
kit and was about to repair it when ......i found out the kit(that was supposed to have everything i needed) was missing the wax release paper stuff it mentions on the instructions.....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Anyways....soon,very soon.....
finished up two pieces this week....
first,the new one....
May i present....
"the Chief's Dream"
i wanted to do a mirror image/reflection representing that inner insight
one gets thru reflection and dreams.....i like the idea of the whole play
on water and reflection and applying that to the introspective process...
or, it's just a nice painting that has a lil bit of humor to it...
This was all gouache and i used water soluble pencils for the shading....
I had used that style for earlier pieces and it gave the simplicity of the
painting a little bit more OOMPH....
here's some close-ups....
the Oarsman...
the Naples yellow for the outline brings a nice graphic warm glow to it all...
the Chief...
Ultra close-up,to show you how easy it is.....
and a Super Dooper Extreme Close-up, just cause,whenever i go to an art show,
i get reeeal close to a painting to examine the brushstrokes and blending and stuff....
i also finished up "Saint Surveillance" finishing up all the shadows and lighting...
Closeup of a microwave tower and the wires that lead to his power source and
access to the world wide web....
Here's a close-up of his face...regal,Sad.....and evocative of the Statue of liberty....
and here's the power source...note how the triangular configuration of the
power pole ,with the crowned eye atop it,reflects the pyramid on our very own
dollar bill.....Annuit Coeptis...."He favors our undertaking" Hmmmmm...
Ponder on THAT til next time!
Cool surprises in store! That's all i can say for now...