Tiki Central / General Tiki / Who Is Better at Introducing Tiki to the Mainstream Tommy Bahama or Target?
Post #362276 by SoccerTiki on Tue, Feb 19, 2008 7:28 PM
Tue, Feb 19, 2008 7:28 PM
You don't get off that easy! I think "ISSUES" is the key word here. I'll leave it at that...Your words and actions speak volumes. Ok, not that easy either! Bamboo Bar...We were there and didn't know you from the man on the moon as we were fairly new to TC...I don't recall you introducing yourself? Rude behavior like inviting you to Club 33? Or buying you a little Hawaiian style bracelet at the Tiki Farm Mug Collection Event in Oceanside? (where I believe you said in an exasperated breath, "I am so sick of Tiki Farm mugs" for at least 3 of us to hear.) Or WooHoo helping you with booking a room in Tucson (which she made NO money, so don't go there!) It seems that's not hard enough to earn your friendship? It's pretty clasy to bring up long-forgotten issues... I guess you haven't gotten over something that you had NOTHING to do with! Again, "ISSUES". Does bullying other TC members with nasty PM's help you compensate? Sounds a little like throwing stones at people for airing their opinions in public, eh? Again, "ISSUES". And what was it that started this whole thing? Your under-handed, mean-spirited comments about other TC'ers. More "ISSUES". Hey Kate...WoooHoooooOOOOOOOOoooooooo! It seems you speak for a lot of people, I'm glad you don't speak for Karen or I. You wouldn't know the "high Road" if you were hitch-hiking on it. You and your "ISSUES" won't get off that easy again. Go pick on someone else. Or better yet...just stop. |