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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Change in TV Passion Fruit Syrup???

Post #363352 by GatorRob on Mon, Feb 25, 2008 10:08 AM

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Nice post Gnomon, but that Aunty Lilikoi stuff is pretty darn expensive. Is it worth it? The Finest Call Passion Fruit Puree, which the Bum recommends in Sippin' Safari is $4 per 1 liter bottle. Four bottles with shipping runs you $26.95 total. That's about 20 cents per oz compared to about 57 cents per oz for the Aunty Lilikoi.

Now I've not had the Aunty Lilikoi, so I can't comment on it, but I assume it's good based on your experience. But I've had the old TV's forumla, the Finest Call, and I've made my own using Goya's frozen passion fruit pulp. The Goya's was the most passion fruity and best overall tasting (and probably the cheapest). I'd probably place the Finest Call second and the old Vic's third. If you ever get hold of the Finest Call brand, please do a comparison to the Aunty Lilikoi and let us know. It had better be next to a religious experience at that price! :wink: