Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki / Vintage Hair
Post #36545 by Humuhumu on Fri, May 30, 2003 2:01 AM
Fri, May 30, 2003 2:01 AM
That dark brown bob was exactly what I was sporting a couple of years ago... very Louise Brooks. Remind me to whip out the old ID at the next event & I'll show you... pretty mind blowing compared to the barbie bs I have going right now. So what I'm aiming to achieve right now is very structured 40sish Andrews Sisters-type curves, like the blond chick from the infamous Mondo bikini contest. I set my hair in hot rollers pretty regularly, but I do it to get a softer look. I haven't played with bobby pins to anchor the curls... is that all it would take to achieve this sort of look? Re: the bald look... I totally agree, but I dont quite have the cranium to pull the look off. Those of you who do, continue to rock on. |