Joined: Jun 12, 2006
Posts: 7763
Well, happy Belated Easter!
Got to go to 4WD Tiki's home for a CHOP on Saturday!
Very Inspiring!
Friggin talent for DAYS!
Sam-Thank you buddy! I feel the drawings help establish a mood without risking a whole canvas...
and they turn out into little art pieces in their own right.......
Glad i could communicate that "slipping away" feel...The death and birth canvases will actually be able to flow into each other when the canvases are done......kind of a full circle thing....
hewey! Tanks! Now wake-up and get more people in on that Art Swap!
Clarita-Gracias my dear! i'll try and finish up the waterfall soon!
and no more TikiRay facial hair......for now! :lol:
thanks man! told Erik to send you and the missus a Hug on Saturday at the CHOP!
Hope he didn't steal them!
Pat-thanks Sir! my brain goes from full to empty ,from Busy to Calm in 4.5 seconds....
hard to hide that on a canvas!
Well, as i promised...some quickie parking lot Sale pieces...I may add a bit to a few of em,but here's what i got so far.....
"the Smiling Fellow"
and "Tiki with Flowers"
I found a bunch of old abstracted tiki designs and concepts i had drawn about 10 years ago for HIC for some embroideries on wovens...not sure if more than one or any of em made the cut,,,
but i just took those sketches and developed them and decided to kick out a little series of these for the parking lot Sale..I'll scan the drawings when i get some time....
Also,got invited to be in the m modern 5 year anniversary Tiki exhibition,so that was quite a thrill
and a challenge! Parking lot Sale/Conspiracy Show/Commissions piling up, and now a new piece for this very important show!
In typical ken fashion, I started the m modern piece on Friday,after getting the call on Thursday!
First i did a study-attempting another in the Tiki mandala/porthole series...
here's what i got started on the canvas between Friday at the studio and Saturday at the CHOP...
3 by 3 feet-paintpen over acrylic washes.....
details! details!
that's it for today! thanks for visiting!