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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Why Only 12 Brave Tiki Swap Participants?

Post #371579 by Benzart on 04/04/2008

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Benzart posted on 04/04/2008

Ouch, I hope you didn't hurt yourself Jen, Falling off that big box like that! :lol:" :lol: :lol:
Excellent Pep Talk though and I confer with you a Lot but not a hundred%. SurfinTiki was pretty close too except that he doesn't know how people think about his work. I would Love one of his pieces as I would love most All our artists work. I'm totally happy with my draw but would have been super happy with anyones work, Speaking of which, would you like to trade something for one of those Maori pieces?
A Lot of those "Registered" members never post and only registered to say something or what-ever but a lot never came back but there ARE Many Artists here ACTIVELY posting and creating and while there are Many different levels of expertise there are no "Tiki Cops" here or not many anyhow. I have no idea why there were only 12 participants this time but I think we can work it more and get more people involved.
I believe there will be more if we all push for that and help everyone understand that their works Are good enough or that their works are Not "TOO Good" to be entered.
Of course I have been known to be Full of Hot Air too! :lol: :lol: