Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / my 1st & 2nd attempt at carving!!! Tiki Bar Finished...
Post #378545 by Gooberfreek on Tue, May 6, 2008 2:09 PM
Tue, May 6, 2008 2:09 PM
Here is my 2nd attempt at carving a Tiki Head guy's...step by step... Stage 1, start off with a 3ft piece of oak... Stage 2, basic carvng to start off... Stage 3, add abit ore detail... Stage 4, didnt know what to do with large space above eyes so carved a few hibiscus flowers... Stage 5, close up of hibiscus carving... Stage 6, teeth and gums... Stage 7, add a bit of colour... Stage 8, add black to eyes to make them stand out!!! Stage 9, at last 1st coat of clear varnish... I am pleased with this one...I hope I can keep on improving, although the nice weather helped, gave me inspiration along with my new Israel Kamakawiwo'ole CD playing in the background...also managed to pick up some 3m length bamboo which have a diameter of 8cm for just £3.50p each which is cheap as chips!!! I could only find it for £45 a bundle of 6 elsewhere!!! so got myself 6 lengths for just over £20, so operation Tiki bar is now in full swing, going to Selco (like home depot) in the morning to pick up more supplies, will post my Tiki Bar construction pics soon... |