Tiki Central / California Events / Mahalo for Coming to TikiBocce(tm) III - *Buy an Event Poster 4 Charity!*
Post #382516 by TofuJoe on Mon, May 26, 2008 8:15 PM
Mon, May 26, 2008 8:15 PM
Thanks to one and all who came out and made Tiki Bocce III a crazy success. People came from LA, Sacramento and even San Antonio Texas! Lund Manor was ready for them. Hinky Drinks was well appointed with a load of booze, some new decorations, a whole new bartender work area and, ye gods, running water! You can just see the witco board which we turned into a handy mug shelf, our favorite Chongolio painting and some zany lamps Haole'Akamai found while thrifting in Oakland. We had gallons of punch mixed up and ran a few drink specials. As things seem to go out at the Drink, an on the fly drink special spontaneously materialized. While stocking up at the Bev'Mo for the party, a bottle of Rhum Clement Creole Shrubb found its way home. Its an orange liquor made with curacao oranges and Martinique rum. Sound like anything familiar? We paired it up with Coruba Rum, lime juice, orgeat and simple syrup and served up a bunch of Shrubb MaiTai's. Didn't take long to run out of Shrubb, but it was good. Thanks to Kevin and Maria for holding down the bar duties! The MaiKai Gents were excellent as always. Sometimes I think we throw this party just to be able to hear them play more. Mahalo to Judd and the gang. Good Grief there was good food. TikiWineBear's coconut encrusted portabello mushrooms were amazing. Brenda's Tiki Hut and the Chief bartender brought home made sourdough, yummm. Jen Tiki's ginger dressed Hicama and Mango salad was superb. Apparently Humu brought a salad. I think it lasted about 12 seconds. All I saw was the empty dish. Thanks to everyone who went the extra mile to make such amazing tasty treats But this party is really all about the Bocce. Tiki Bocce in fact. This year we managed to get the new Bocce Ball set ready in time for play! At some point when the backyard was full of friends, music, great Bocce you realize that all of the work that goes into this thing is so worth it. Thanks to everyone for indulging my crazy need to merge Tiki and Bocce. The tournament this year was fantastic. It may be remembered as the year we went from a tiki party where people play bocce, to a bocce tournament where people drink tiki drinks. Congratulations to Alameda's own team Bali High who played well all day emerging with Top Bocce Honors! For you sports nerds, you can check out the Tournament Recap and the Box Score There are so many people to thank I wouldn't know where to start. To all of those who cleaned the house and kitchen as the party rolled on. You are my heroes. Thanks to Haole'Akamai for the birthday cake! And thanks to MaiTai, a dress code will be strictly enforced in the future. And we'd sure appreciate it if you could post any pics you might have snapped. |