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Tiki Central / General Tiki / Tiki at restaurants

Post #3831 by martiki on 07/16/2002

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martiki posted on 07/16/2002

Amazon has a bizarre new feature where you can search menus for restaurants in selected cities. Naturally I looked for "tiki". There were five results, with only two of any interest.

  1. Tiki Bob's Cantina in Seattle: Everything is named tiki! (Tiki fish, Tiki Shrimp, etc) Can Seattleites comment on this place? What's its story?

  2. Kitsch'n on Roscoe in Chicago: Pseudo-retro food, but they have a drink called the "Massive Tiki Mai Tai" Who has been here and can comment? I am going to Chicago in August (I hear that's the nicest weather!) and am planning my very short weekend of activities. I'll post that elsewhere.....
