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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Tiki-Mania.... A little Dirk Yates goodness by me.

Post #388818 by TiKiMaN77 on Sun, Jun 22, 2008 10:27 PM

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The latest 2. One is the Inked version of my Tooned piece, the other is a redo of the MUGged piece I posted on the first page. you look at the 2 and you'll see the diff's. I fixed her chest and raised it higher since she is arching her back, and thickened up her left thigh to match with her right leg. Someone mentioned that to me w while ago, but it wasn't until 7am this morning I actually got around to doing it as I was just about to start inking all the wood planks and stuff. then realized I still needed to make a copy of it first.

MUGged Redo

Tooned Inks