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Tiki Central / Tiki Travel / Santa Barbara Hotel Recommendations?

Post #392151 by Naneki on Mon, Jul 7, 2008 12:05 PM

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On 2003-07-17 09:28, christiki295 wrote:
The Santa Barbara report by TwowheelinTiki and co. has whet my appetite for a SB LA-getaway.

Is anyone familiar with the Tropicana Inn on Castillo?

Does anyone have any other SB hotel recommendations (preferably with a balcony)?

Thank you.
I lived in SB for over 20 years. It's tourist season so every place will be priced at a premium. If you want to be down at beach you might have to pay, pay, pay wherever you find a vacancy. I doubt you'll be successful but you might see if anything is available at the beach Motel 6.

If you've got a date you'd like to visit and your wallet can't abide the beach price, you might try the Orange Tree. It's in the 1900 block of State (just south of Mission). It's on the far edge of downtown but far enough from the beach that the price should be a bit more reasonable and there may even be vacancies.

I used to walk 18 blocks to get to the beach so I don't think the Orange Tree's too far. But you can always drive. (Just don't drive on State Street between Gutierrez (400 block) and Victoria (1300 block) and you'll be fine.)

Oh, the Drunk & Disorderly Disctrict is the 400-700 blocks of State. And be sure and eat a torpedo at the Greek Italian Deli.