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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / eBay: Real Edgar Leeteg Velvet on Ebay! ends 7-15

Post #393239 by 1961surf on Fri, Jul 11, 2008 9:57 AM

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Dave, not all of Leeteg's paintings were works of art.Just like all the women
that he womanized and painted weren't always pretty by todays standards.This
is definitely not one of his better portraits of tahitian women that he has
has painted by any means.I think the jaw line is off too.He was however pretty
accurate on the portraits of his women.You have to just accept it for face value.
He was the godfather and originator of painting polynesian women and other subject
matters on velvet however.Too bad you don't have the book that I have about him and
his life.You would have a better appreciation for his work.I will tell you this,the
latter part of his life he lived in paradise and lived a life we only dream of.
It's really too bad the way he died though .