Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Billy the Cruds' work, via KINGMAN ARIZONA-Maori BAR!!!
Post #394824 by Billy the Crud on Fri, Jul 18, 2008 12:45 AM
Billy the Crud
Fri, Jul 18, 2008 12:45 AM
You know, I don't even give a frogs fat ass anymore, because I hardly have time for this nonsense. The problem here is that people aren't being honest and would rather whisper behind someones back than just outright confront them because they really don't have any valid points, just that it's the way that they want things. It's catty, juvenile bullshyte and I'm not about to let it RUIN a weekend where I'm dropping two grand that I shouldn't even be dropping. This is my wife's vacation time as well as my own and she's starting to reconsider. They can take the Oasis chop and shove it. It's freakin' destroyed, man. Aloha spirit? More like exclusive spiteful spirit and there's nothing fun or positive about that. For the record, no-one ever told me I wasn't allowed at group chops, just the Oasis chop. I decided that if I was going to be so hated for planning public group events for EVERYONE to gain exposure(Prowlers Car Show, Masonic Lodge, Rockabilly Pic-nic, Tower Bar), it wasn't worth the gas to go. I've been nice and I've helped out, pitched in, and even given logs to the three people who are beind this and asked nothing in return. Did I get a thank-you (or expect one)? No. Instead, I was accused of trying to "be in charge", making "snide" remarks, and giving out peoples addresses(this was assumed and never happened-Bill hit me up on it because he's the ONLY one who has the stones to speak his mind, and it was dealt with)......someone even accused me of bringing the pellet guns to Bills last year. I don't OWN a pellet gun......Brian and Camm brought them, not me. There will be more chops in San Diego and no-one will have to sit around wondering when people are going to do this to THEM. If someone clashes with your personality(or lack thereof), then DEAL WITH IT. Don't spread lies, make shit up, and try to get people to join into your negativity; just ACCEPT IT like the rest of the world does and try and remember that there's not one life on earth that is less important than yours. Last year was INCREDIBLE and thanks to all this, it's feakin' over. And NO FIGHTING ON MY THREAD. View my work @ http://www.myspace.com/sandiegotikicarvers [ Edited by: Billy the Crud 2008-07-18 01:22 ] |