Tiki Central / Other Events / Tiki drinks seminar at Sams in Chicago, July 31
Post #397841 by Tipsy McStagger on Wed, Jul 30, 2008 9:19 PM
Tipsy McStagger
Wed, Jul 30, 2008 9:19 PM
. ..i apologize folks...... .....this was not meant to be a personal attack on james that some of you have mistakenly interpreted it as ....in fact james wasn't even as offended by it in his p.m. to me as some of you more sensitive folks were in regards to this.....nonetheless, in the spirit of playing nice-nice, i have deleted the one and only picture i had posted of him that i had, unflattering as it were........i do not carry out personal campaigns against james or any other tiki central member (with one exception,and i've even refrained from that for some time)....aside from the occasional ribbing of each other now and then, james and i get along just fine...but thank you for bringing my poor behavior to my attention.....sometimes i just need to be kept in line...... [ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2008-07-31 05:29 ] |