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Tiki Central / California Events / a huge mahalo to all at tiki oasis from the creepy creeps.

Post #403048 by Hakalugi on Fri, Aug 22, 2008 1:23 AM

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On 2008-08-21 21:45, bigtikidude wrote:

On 2008-08-20 14:30, Jason Wickedly wrote:
The Creepy Creeps were excellent...I thought they were quite appropriate for the theme and Tiki Oasis as well.

My one gripe - to the fat kid moshing with the mohawk and the zombie make up...you're like 13 or 14 now...time for deodorant, son. You nasty. On a side note....Crazy Al has way more energy than any 14 year old kid. He can kick your ass at pogo-ing any day. Oh and he smells better than you.

Great show guys!

Ha ha ha yeah that kid did reeeek.

On 2008-08-21 20:09, beadtiki wrote:
Regarding the comment about the young man who may need deoderant - what a totally obnoxious thing to say. I'm sure it was unpleasant for your nose in such close quarters, but it was only for a while. I'm sure you could have found a more sensitive way to express yourself here.

"Totally obnoxious thing to say" ??? Huh? Apparently you (beadtiki) didn't have to smell it. Were you watching the show from the safety of your balcony? "...such close quarters" were not required to catch wind of said invasive b.o. problem. Given the severity of the stench, I'd have to say that Jason's comments are highly understated.

Nevertheless, the Creepy Creeps indeed rocked hard and made up for the foul air.