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Post #405264 by tikipaka on Mon, Sep 1, 2008 4:46 AM
Mon, Sep 1, 2008 4:46 AM
Mark, your bar is looking great. :o And the fact that your cared enough not to destroy the glass blocks underneath is even better. Most would have just slammed a hammer at it. I have to say, I'm liking the way it's coming out with the large bamboo you're using. :) I actually thought about doing something like this on my own bar. You really can't tell what's under ours with the thatch that's covering it. But it really has a great curved shape and I know I can make it look much better than it is right now. I was thinking of using a nice material on the inside of it so that it shows through the wire meshing that's there. Or maybe the bamboo would look better? I think you've just inspired me to start working on it. :) Let's hope it not going to be one of those things, I say I'm going to do and never finish. :lol: |