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Tiki Central / California Events / *** Tikiyaki Orchestra & Squid Tiki Mug/Art Retrospective at KONA - Sept. 20 ***

Post #410646 by tiki-a-fair on Mon, Sep 29, 2008 12:16 PM

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On 2008-09-26 16:27, congawa wrote:
Tiki-a-fair, I guess I should take this opportunity to chime in on one other show that you and Hillbilly Jeff have coming up: a week from this Sunday Oct. 5 -- my country outfit (The Henpeckers) are playing (along with 3 other great bands) and we are looking forward to it! We don't have any exotica oriented material in this particular ensemble, but we do have one drinking song which references whiskey but might need to be changed to rum for the occasion!

As mentioned earlier, my wife and I had a blast at last Saturday's soiree, and again mucho kudos to Squid! In addition to the cornucopian (the spell check doesn't like that word but it needs to be one!) display of music, mugs and libations inside the mugs, it was--as always--great meeting a few more people, and a special treat to catch up on things with my old apartment manager/ex-bandmate/pal-for-life Jeff Utterback, who I hadn't seen in far too long.

I havent forgotten about you, I just havent posted them here yet, but I will today. I was waiting for it to get closer to October. I know Jeff is looking forward to having you. I wont be able to make it though, Which I am bummed about. I hope you have a grand time though.