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Tiki Central / General Tiki / "Enjoy a Navy Grog, See the World!" Trader Vic's Travels

Post #413295 by midnite on Tue, Oct 14, 2008 12:34 PM

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Thought I'd bring up this old topic again. In the last couple of years I've visited a few more Trader Vic's locations. More visits were planned, but they keep closing on me. Mr Menehune is still my hero, where ever he went.

Recent stops on my personal Trader Vic's hit parade:

Palo Alto

Munich is my favorite for a pure classic experience. London is number one in my heart on a sentimental basis. Stateside, got to go with Atlanta. Maybe I'll see a few more next year, won't say where as I seem to be jinxing these places. Ok, I'll talk: Vegas, I have HUGE, COMPLICATED, and EXCEEDINGLY EXPENSIVE plans to visit Trader Vic's Las Vegas location.

That ought to do it!
Mr Sunshine