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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / Tiki body painting with Thor-Mathewson in Hawaii

Post #425833 by cosmictiki on 12/26/2008

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cosmictiki posted on 12/26/2008

Hi Everybody,
First let me say Happy Holidays to all of you and hope you have a wonderful time over the next week.
Here in Hawaii it is a sunny day again. Though times like this I do miss the snow and beauty of a white Christmas.
Though I have not posted in a while I have some time to contribute a few pix from Last Friday opening at the Thor Gallery in Waikiki, Honolulu.
Thor made his first trip over to see the new gallery and do some signing. Much to his surprise I set a special event with a chopper (motorcycle)in the front doorway,
plus a bikini model to do body art on for the crowd. Dorota Bednarek did a fantastic job.
Good fun was had by Thor and I as we did some intense body painting for two hours.
The crowd was to the street all night. Thor though not an airbrush artist like I covered her pretty well if I must say so. LOL.
Hope you enjoy these pix.
Aloha Dennis Mathewson