Thank You Thank You Thank You ALL!
We have kind of a network out here amongst artists
but this octopus of connection
didn't have that much of a full societal coverage
so I'm glad to hear from so many of you
from so many different backgrounds!
I'd really like to get a dialogue going....
That's what's so great about Benzart's and Paipo's and Sai-Babalu's
that exchange of information/answering the questions
learning from you kids -"the real peoples"
to how YOU view art-what draws you in?
does one have to have background on a painting
before enjoying?
or is that good enough ?
Does it have to move/motivate a person?
Or can messages resound deeper in some pieces more than others..
and why?
Anyways... I'm gonna answer Robb (the Slobb) Hamell's question...
I wish I was a speed reader so's I could read all these many words.
Robb,this Public Service Message is for YOU! :)
Sai-Baba-Hey Man!
Was just talking about you...
"Homecoming" is definetely on my list...
I have 4 of those (all but this one are in good homes)
Good call,Rick, you are wise and
I'm stoked to have such a Yoda as a friend!
Maybe cards-I was thinking cards...
A lot of us artists discuss the whole idea of "Selling Out"
As our work/subject matter progresses (and hopefully) evolves
We sit around,fat,bitter,and middle-aged
and wonder if the whole selling-out thing
is just a term by bitter artists for successful artists! :o
I mean, there are ways of getting the work out there more
(Ie: posters/prints/cards/magnets/t-shirts)
Coloring Books-sold out of the first edition's 50
and have a trickle of ones from the newer one at 100
but is that selling out?
If'n it is....GUILTY as CHARGED! :lol:
But i like Coloring Books!
I've always been one to provide affordable work to the people
as i get older,and spend more time on the pieces
i end up working for $20 an hour..
(Look Up Maria brophy's "Does a Plumber make more than you?" on Drew Brophy's page)
So the originals have to go up,unfortunately...
Damn you TIME!
But, there's still the need to get the work to people
who love it and cherish it as much as anyone else
but would rather eat or fix the car
than luxuriate with art!
(that's why being an artist is so great cuz we
BARTER and SWAP with each other!
By bringing out calendars/prints/posters/cards
would be a way to do bring it to you
and allow me a fine-art salary increase!
it would certainly help with my $500 a month studio rent! :)
until i can get a publisher and print
a 1000 page book-a collection of my 20-year painting career
(and Volume 2 for the 6 foot stack of drawings and sketchbooks)
Then i would expect you all to buy this for your library!
So anyways,what are your thoughts on selling-out?
Normal People?
Ravers- Moai folk it is! Solomon Island Rowers fer sure...
small batches!
ya, ask around school....
I'm in an information acculmulating mode!
Let's talk!
This is so fun!
I've been stuck in the "Shut-up and Paint" mode for so long
that it's finally dawning on me
that there's a whole other angle that needs to be covered!
Mahalos for gathering up some info!
It's like having a little team! :lol:
Actually, and I've discussed this with many folks
All it would take was one capable REP
and they,and the artists they represented
would do very well...It's just a lotta work!
But the more time an artist is out there investigating
that's less time in the studio!
that ain't right!
the internets does make our job easier,tho!
So now i know...
Babelfish translator sounds like MarkusK after his 3rd Zombie! :lol:
Another vote for a calender....
Well, there's my ramblings
let's hear your thoughts
i know i'm not the only one to wonder what other artists think about!