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Tiki Central / California Events / March 1st Exotiki, The Hula Girls, The ? Trio and Sidewynders at The Redwood Bar & Grill

Post #437315 by tiki mick on Mon, Mar 2, 2009 9:45 AM

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Just prior to their set, Big Tiki Dude tells me "Prepare to be blown away"....well, he certainly wasn't kidding! This is a band that perfectly melds Exotica with Hawaiian music....damn excellent! It's a weird looking band, though...some obvious jazzers and a couple of guys that look like they were on "the Sopranos"....(check out the Paulie Walnuts-looking percussionist on the far right). The guitarist on the far left was just amazing, somehow able to bring in a Django Rheinhart style to an exotica band, and it worked! The leader, on steel guitar, had a very lush and beautiful sound. And of course there is Kevin (Dartin Menny)...you would figure that a guy that good would have an attitude...but he doesn't. He was smiling the whole time, and worked his ass off playing with Big Sandy just before he did another set with Exo-Tiki!

[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2009-03-02 09:48 ]