Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / Woofmutt Is Now Known As Woofmutt With Sprinkles On Top
Post #440993 by woofmutt on Wed, Mar 18, 2009 5:35 PM
Wed, Mar 18, 2009 5:35 PM
Yeah yuh know, so like same old same old every day in here, right? And I'm like "Jeez, how can I pep this up? What is it I need to keep me sitting here in front of this 45 pound SONY Multiscan 220SX screen?" Then I put on some harp music and remembered back to 1988 when I thought I had fallen out of love with New York Super Fudge Chunk (True story!) and I was in the kitchen thinking "If I stop eating my daily pint of New York Super Fudge Chunk I will never get fat!" when I saw a large bottle of those colored sprinkles the then Mrs. Woofmutt had bought to put on these dumbass whole wheat and goat milk cupcakes she had made for the stupid free thinker preschool co-op she ran (Great use of a masters in business, Lydia!) and I had my pint of New York Super Fudge Chunk in my hand and I thought "Sprinkles...I wonder..." so I took the bottle of sprinkles and poured them down the toilette and when Mrs. Woofmutt found out what I did she said "Gawdammit Chad! That's the last straw!" and I said "Well I sure as hell had hoped it would be! And my name ain't Chad!" Then she threw the empty sprinkles bottle at me and it hit my right eyebrow and it cut it open really good (which is how I got that scar) then she stormed outta the kitchen, outta the house, and outta my life and that's why sprinkles make everything better. So just to jazz it up a bit I will now be known here on Tiki Central as Woofmutt With Sprinkles On Top. |