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Tiki Central / General Tiki / "Goldmember" off topic?

Post #4525 by bigbrotiki on Sun, Jul 28, 2002 12:09 PM

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Since Austin Powers is sort of retro chic, I thought I can vent here.....and I see you as my friends and I need someone to complain to!

Goldmember is a stinker in my opinion, because of overdoing it in the body function joke department. I went with my son, who is at the age of laughing at ANY body function joke, and even he was grossed out. While some of the initial concepts Myers comes up with here might be funny, he milks them so endlessly that it becomes like flogging a dead...member.
The new villain character doesn't cut it at all (he should have made fun of the Germans, not the Dutch, they are clearer characters), Austin's chick side kick Foxy is lame (Liz Hurley still was the best), and worst of all, the production design sucks: The seventies had very cool designers like Werner Panton, and here we have just a hodgeopdge of bright colors and, oh how original, a pimp mobile?

I am one who thinks the original Austin Powers was the best, I told everyone to see it. The second still was funny, and yes, this one really cracked me up occasionally too, but as a visual stylist I guess I am just to sensitive for that amount of grossness.

How times have changed...