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Tiki Central / Other Crafts / New Go Tiki Ceramics ( Goto Pg. # 37 )

Post #462011 by GO TIKI on Mon, Jun 15, 2009 6:19 PM

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Thanks Grog and Squid, For your input, I have been working on this bowl for awhile, Thinking of trying out something a little different, Than the Tiki / PNG stuff, But linked to the music most of us enjoy, Exotica, I first was introduced to Yma Sumac, " The Queen of Exotica " from a Great reader in Tiki Magazine by Jeff Chenault ( Winter 2007-08 ) Edition, Since the article from Jeff, Yma has passed away at 86 years old, Before her passing, I was working on a bowl, " Exotica Queen " It is a likeness of the " EtaBay " album cover, And A tribute to the sounds of exotica music:

First a made a mold of a bowl, I didn't press clay the bowl!, I didn't sculpt the bowl!, I didn't even wheel turn the bowl!, " Which I will be doing soon! That would be really 100% " I actually made a mold from a bowl! Next I sculpted out of clay, A solid piece of clay, Not a molded or pressed piece of clay, Just a piece of clay, The center piece, Then made a mold of it, Then I added the base, Which is the piece I was working on for a long time, Which also I made a mold of, In the same fashion, The top and bottom of the base cylinders I had molded from an mold, That I sculpted and made again, I slipped all the piece together to make a one piece bowl, Just like cut and paste a graphic artist uses, " I do this for molding reasons " But in clay, Which I made into a bowl:

I'll post some pictures when finished glazed, And I think I'll add some homemade ceramic decals to it, Whtacha! Think? Gogo